Behind the Scenes Kratos escucha por primera vez a la princesa una vez llega a la Cámara de Poseidón, donde ésta se encuentra pidiendo ayuda a gritos desde una habitación a la que se accede mediante una puerta de Hiperión. She wears a tiara in her hair and is always barefoot. 1 God of War III 2 Poseidon's Notes 3 Gallery 4 Related Pages It contained three Hyperion Gates which lead to Poseidon's Quarters, where Poseidon's Princess was held. En el cuarto donde se encuentra se puede obtener la caracola de Poseidón. Poseidon (unwilling) Information Muerta. ". Although it could be that she was not aware of what had happened in the events of. For God of War III on the PlayStation 3, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Poseidon Princess". I'm trying to tie up some old requests from people. Poseidon's Chamber Estado ". Mortal Current status For God of War III on the PlayStation 3, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Poseidon Princess...". Misc. God of War Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Poseidon (lover) † Origen Lleva tu comunidad favorita contigo y no te pierdas de nada. During poseidon's chamber level, after freeing the Princess from chains, she runs through out the portal to encounter a couple of demon dogs on top of a platform which moves vertically with weight. Haciendo caso omiso de sus palabras, Kratos corta la cadena que la mantiene presa y la conduce a la fuerza a través de los pasillos de la cámara, donde incluso la debe salvar de no caer a un hoyo de púas, con el objetivo de usarla para sostener una manivela que mantiene abiertas dos grandes puertas.ón?oldid=57138, En un principio se la conoció con el nombre de, Tras la muerte de la Princesa de Poseidón, se desbloquea un ocurrente, Es uno de los pocos personajes que se dirige a. Who unknowingly helped Kratos through Poseidon's chamber which allowed him to reach the other chambers and then finally to the top of Olympus. She wears a tiara in her hair and is always barefoot. For God of War III on the PlayStation 3, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Poseidon's princess=goddess??? Her full background is never revealed. Gender The enslaved princess also wears cuffs that bind her hands and a chain that binds her to the palace floor. For God of War III on the PlayStation 3, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Poseidon's princess=goddess??? Mortales Poseidon's Princess is a beautiful, half-naked young woman. Poseidon's abusive nature probably comes from, After saving and eventually killing the princess, the player unlocks a Trophy called. One of the dogs pushes poseidon's Princess to the edge of platform and Kratos (you) must press "O" to save her. Princesa de Poseidón Personaje original Poseidon's Princess is a minor character and unwilling ally of Kratos in God of War III. Se encuentra encadenada en uno de los aposentos personales del Dios de los Mares. In-Game Information Appears in Lleva una diadema dorada en el cabello. Location Regardless, Kratos cuts her chains and leads the princess handcuffed through the hallways, even saving her from falling into a pit of spikes, only to use her to hold up a crank, attaching her to hold two doors open. Poseidon's Chamber was a golden hall room on Mount Olympus that was made in honor of Poseidon, God of the Seas. Kratos encuentra a la Princesa de Poseidón. Species/Race La carta dice lo siguiente: Esto demuestra que Poseidón no sólo se preocupa por ella sino que también la amaba. Se encuentra encadenada en uno de los aposentos personales del Dios de los Mares. Después de que Kratos pasa a través de las puertas, la Princesa de Poseidón es aplastada mortalmente por el peso de la manivela. La Princesa de Poseidón es un personaje secundario y un aliado involuntario de Kratos en God of War III. All that is known is that she is a beautiful princess whom Poseidon enslaved to become his unwilling lover. Kratos can return to observe her remains, as her feet stick out of a pool of her own blood in the crank's shaft. Es una amante, así como una esclava, del dios Poseidón. God of War III. Kratos doesn't take off the princess' handcuffs for some unknown reason, maybe so she doesn't run away or to hold her later. With the Aphrodite post earlier, this is all I have of God of War 3. Loyalties Se encuentra encadenada en uno de los aposentos personales del Dios de los Mares. The god keeps her chained in his personal chambers, where she presumably serves as his concubine. Kratos puede volver a observar sus restos, como sus pies sobresalen de un charco de su propia sangre en el eje de la manivela. 's letter suggest that he does care for her, though he abuses her in his rage. Erin Matthews Poseidon's Princess is an unwilling ally to Kratos who was a prisoner chained in Poseidon's chamber on Mount Olympus. Especie The enslaved princess also wears cuffs that bind her hands and a chain that binds her to the palace floor. La Princesa de Poseidón es una mujer joven y atractiva. Es una amante, así como una esclava, del dios Poseidón. The letter reads: Dearest beloved, I ask your forgiveness for making you the subject of my rage. The contents of Poseidon's letter suggest that he does care for her, though he abuses her in his rage. Hecuba Maneros (allegedly) A letter from Poseidon is found in the chambers of his princess. For God of War III on the PlayStation 3, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Poseidon's Princess...(possible spoilers)". Es una amante, así como una esclava, del dios Poseidón. During poseidon's chamber level, after freeing the Princess from chains, she runs through out the portal to encounter a couple of demon dogs on top of a platform which moves vertically with weight. I'm trying to tie up some old requests from people. Don't know what was wrong with the princess's eyes, it just refused to apply the texture to them no matter what variation I tried, and I eventually gave up after awhile. One of the dogs pushes poseidon's Princess to the edge of platform and Kratos (you) must press "O" to save her. After he killed Hercules and broke the Arena floor, Kratos fell into the sewers below the arena. As Kratos makes his way over to her, she declares that she does not want help from him, probably fearing the Spartan's brutal reputation. Poseidon's Princess is a regular mortal with a mysterious background. Poseidon's Princess is a beautiful, half-naked young woman. Una carta escrita por el dios Poseidón hacia la princesa se encuentra en la cámara donde ésta se encuentra encadenada. El contenido de la comunidad está disponible bajo. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. It is not you who angered me so, but my brother and his refusal to harness the great power he hides within the labyrinth. Female Voiced by After Kratos heads through the doors, she is crushed by the weight of the crank. With the Aphrodite post earlier, this is all I have of God of War 3. Her large breasts and voluptuous figure are exposed by her outfit. Only the comforts found in your arms give me rest. God of War Wiki es una comunidad FANDOM en Juegos. She is the enslaved lover of Poseidon, found chained up in his personal quarters. Lleva un traje de pocas prendas color azul marino con detalles dorados; no tiene calzado y posee una especie de falda bastante abierta dejando a la vista una tanga de color dorado. Although commonly known as Hecuba Maneros, thanks to an article in Playboy Magazine, this name has never been officially confirmed. Sus senos están al descubierto y por ellos pasa un tirante de su vestimenta, sin cubrirlos; debajo de ellos posee un cinturón de color negro con detalles dorados que cubre casi todo su abdomen. For God of War III on the PlayStation 3, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Poseidon's Princess...(possible spoilers)". A storm is brewing and Zeus provides Olympus with no harbour. Don't know what was wrong with the princess's eyes, it just refused to apply the texture to them no matter what variation I tried, and I eventually gave up after awhile. Cuando Kratos logra llegar a ella, la Princesa de Poseidón manifiesta que no quiere su ayuda, probablemente por temor a la reputación del Fantasma de Esparta. Kratos meets the young barefoot princess in Poseidon's Chamber, where she is crying for help. Deceased Despite fearing Kratos, she calls him "Lord", even though the Spartan is no longer a God. La Princesa de Poseidón es un personaje secundario y un aliado involuntario de Kratos en God of War III. Family Member/s Her large breasts and voluptuous figure are exposed by her outfit. La Princesa de Poseidón es un personaje secundario y un aliado involuntario de Kratos en God of War III.

god of war 3 poseidon princess

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