[76] He told his courtiers, "I am sorry, gentlemen, for being such a time a-dying",[77] and expressed regret at his treatment of his wife. Charles II was the eldest surviving child of Charles I of England, Scotland and Ireland and Henrietta Maria of France. [75], On his deathbed Charles asked his brother, James, to look after his mistresses: "be well to Portsmouth, and let not poor Nelly starve". Outra tormenta política á que Carlos houbo de facer fronte foi a sucesión ao trono. The Scots forces were divided into royalist Engagers and Presbyterian Covenanters, who even fought each other. Charles himself soon came to despise the "villainy" and "hypocrisy" of the Covenanters. [25], In the latter half of 1660, Charles's joy at the Restoration was tempered by the deaths of his youngest brother, Henry, and sister, Mary, of smallpox. Temendo que a Lei de Exclusión fose aprobada, Carlos disolveu o parlamento en decembro de 1679. Por primeira vez en case vinte anos os membros do Parlamento tiveron que enfrontarse a unhas eleccións xerais. For the most part, the actual revenue was much lower, which led to attempts to economise at court by reducing the size and expenses of the royal household[29] and raise money through unpopular innovations such as the hearth tax. [103], 17th-century monarch of England, Scotland and Ireland, Coat of arms of Charles II as king (outside Scotland), Coat of arms of Charles II used as king in Scotland, The traditional date of the Restoration marking the first assembly of King and Parliament together since the abolition of the English monarchy in 1649. Numerous accounts of his adventures were published, particularly in the immediate aftermath of the Restoration. En 1646, o seu pai, temendo pola súa seguridade, ordenoulle marcharse a Francia e reunirse coa súa nai, que se atopaba alí no exilio. Carlos foi tamén o mecenas persoal de Sir Christopher Wren, o arquitecto que axudou a reconstruír Londres despois do Grande Incendio de Londres de 1666. Charles accompanied his father during the Battle of Edgehill and, at the age of fourteen, participated in the campaigns of 1645, when he was made titular commander of the English forces in the West Country. Before Charles's restoration, the Navigation Acts of 1650 had hurt Dutch trade by giving English vessels a monopoly, and had started the First Dutch War (1652–1654). Essex slit his own throat while imprisoned in the Tower of London; Sydney and Russell were executed for high treason on very flimsy evidence; and the Duke of Monmouth went into exile at the court of William of Orange. Their first son was born about a year before Charles, but died within a day. O poder pasou a mans dun grupo de cinco políticos coñecidos como "a Cábala" ou camarilla, polas iniciais dos títulos dos seus membros: Thomas Clifford, Primeiro Barón de Clifford; Henry Bennet, Primeiro Conde de Arlington; George Viliers, Segundo Duque de Buckingham; Anthony Ashley Cooper, Primeiro Barón de Ashley (coñecido despois como Conde de Shaftesbury) e John Maitland, Primeiro Duque de Lauderdale. Luís debía fornecerlle 6.000 soldados para suprimir aos que se opuxesen a súa conversión. [48], In 1668, England allied itself with Sweden, and with its former enemy the Netherlands, to oppose Louis XIV in the War of Devolution. [23] The English Parliament resolved to proclaim Charles king and invite him to return, a message that reached Charles at Breda on 8 May 1660. [2] England, Scotland, and Ireland were respectively predominantly Anglican, Presbyterian, and Catholic. Whig Thought and the Revolution of 1688–91. [47] Clarendon fled to France when impeached for high treason (which carried the penalty of death). O Protectorado de Inglaterra foi abolido e estableceuse a Commonwealth (mancomunidade) de Inglaterra. Protestant conspirators formulated the Rye House Plot, a plan to murder him and the Duke of York as they returned to London after horse races in Newmarket. [78] He was buried in Westminster Abbey "without any manner of pomp"[77] on 14 February.[79]. [18] At the Battle of the Dunes in 1658, as part of the larger Spanish force, Charles's army of around 2,000 clashed with Commonwealth troops fighting with the French. La cuestión de quién debería ser su sucesor dio lugar a la guerra de Charles II was born at St James's Palace on 29 May 1630. A merry monarch, scandalous and poor.[86]. O Acta de Conventículos e a de as Cinco Millas permaneceron en vigor durante o resto do reinado de Carlos. There would be liberty of conscience and Anglican church policy would not be harsh. "[91] The claim to France was only nominal, and had been asserted by every English monarch since Edward III, regardless of the amount of French territory actually controlled. Of Charles II, Wilmot supposedly said: We have a pretty, witty king, Charles lived a life of leisure at Saint-Germain-en-Laye near Paris,[14] living on a grant from Louis XIV of 600 livres a month. Through six weeks of narrow escapes Charles managed to flee England in disguise, landing in Normandy on 16 October, despite a reward of £1,000 on his head, risk of death for anyone caught helping him and the difficulty in disguising Charles, who, at over 6 ft (1.8 m), was unusually tall. [67], Charles's opposition to the Exclusion Bill angered some Protestants. Aínda que eran moitos os países que buscaran facerlle a guerra á católica Francia, Carlos II negociara en segredo con Luís XIV, tratando de alcanzar un acordo mediante o cal Inglaterra permanecería neutral a cambio de diñeiro. Charles was one of the most popular and beloved kings of England,[1] known as the Merry Monarch, in reference to both the liveliness and hedonism of his court and the general relief at the return to normality after over a decade of rule by Cromwell and the Puritans. He was received into the Catholic Church on his deathbed. ): - Con Isabel Killigrew, vizcondesa de Shannon (n. 1622 - m. 1680): - Con Catalina Pegge, Lady Green (n. 1635 - m. 1678): - Con Bárbara Villiers, duquesa de Cleveland (n. 1640 - m. 1709): - Con Leonor "Nell" Gwynne (n. 1650 - m. 1687): - Con Luisa Renata de Penancoet de Kéroualle, duquesa de Portsmouth (n. 1649 - m. 1734). He was the playboy monarch, naughty but nice, the hero of all who prized urbanity, tolerance, good humour, and the pursuit of pleasure above the more earnest, sober, or material virtues. Guerra de Sucesión Española Carlos II Habsburgos-Borbones GUERRA SUCESIÓN ESPAÑOLA: Al morir Carlos II de España en 1700, no dejó heredero. The Abhorrers—those who thought the Exclusion Bill was abhorrent—were named Tories (after a term for dispossessed Irish Catholic bandits), while the Petitioners—those who supported a petitioning campaign in favour of the Exclusion Bill—were called Whigs (after a term for rebellious Scottish Presbyterians). Aínda non está claro se Carlos tiña ou non intención de facer honra a devandita cláusula. Empobrecido, Carlos non logrou reunir suficientes apoios como para supor un desafío serio ao Lord Protector. O seu abandono do Anglicanismo, aínda que reportoulle apoios en Escocia, fíxolle impopular en Inglaterra. Tras seis semanas de apuradas fugas, Carlos conseguiu abandonar Inglaterra. Sucedeulle o seu irmán, o duque de York, que pasou a ser Xacobe II de Inglaterra e … With Cromwell's forces threatening Charles's position in Scotland, it was decided to mount an attack on England. 1658? [5] Charles I surrendered into captivity in May 1646. [71], Charles suffered a sudden apoplectic fit on the morning of 2 February 1685, and died aged 54 at 11:45 am four days later at Whitehall Palace. It sought to discourage non-conformity to the Church of England and passed several acts to secure Anglican dominance. [7], At The Hague, Charles had a brief affair with Lucy Walter, who later falsely claimed that they had secretly married. This gathered Spanish support for a restoration in return for Charles's contribution to the war against France. [85] John Wilmot, 2nd Earl of Rochester, wrote more lewdly of Charles: Restless he rolls from whore to whore Posteriormente, tamén no ano 1678, Lord Danby foi sometido a unha moción de censura pola Cámara dos Comúns baixo a acusación de alta traizón. Morreu o mércores 6 de febreiro de 1685, no palacio de Whitehall, aos 54 anos de idade, sendo sepultado na abadía de Westminster. [28], The English Parliament granted him an annual income to run the government of £1.2 million,[29] generated largely from customs and excise duties. PA2/24, f.97r-97v. A síndrome caracterízase por naúseas, vómitos, dores de cabeza, debilidade, alteración da vista, convulsións e coma. Portugal had been helped by France, but in the Treaty of the Pyrenees in 1659 Portugal was abandoned by its French ally. O aniversario da Restauración de Carlos, o 29 de maio, celebrouse tradicionalmente no Reino Unido co nome de Día da Mazá do Carballo, en recordo do Carballo Real no que se di que se ocultou Carlos para escapar das tropas de Oliver Cromwell. [8] Her son, James Crofts (afterwards Duke of Monmouth and Duke of Buccleuch), was one of Charles's many illegitimate children who became prominent in British society.[2]. In 1670, Charles, seeking to solve his financial troubles, agreed to the Treaty of Dover, under which Louis XIV would pay him £160,000 each year. Francia e as Provincias Unidas (a actual Holanda ou Países Baixos) aliáronse co goberno de Cromwell, forzando a Carlos a recorrer a España en demanda de axuda. By Elizabeth Killigrew (1622–1680), daughter of Sir Robert Killigrew, married Francis Boyle, 1st Viscount Shannon, in 1660: By Barbara Villiers (1641–1709), wife of Roger Palmer, 1st Earl of Castlemaine and created Duchess of Cleveland in her own right: By Louise Renée de Penancoet de Kérouaille (1649–1734), created Duchess of Portsmouth in her own right (1673): By Mary 'Moll' Davis, courtesan and actress of repute:[97], Letters claiming that Marguerite or Margaret de Carteret bore Charles a son named James de la Cloche in 1646 are dismissed by historians as forgeries. He was succeeded by his brother James. Partly to assuage public fears that the royal family was too Catholic, Charles agreed that James's daughter, Mary, should marry the Protestant William of Orange. Desgraciadamente para el, a Cámara dos Comúns resistiuse a consideralo implicado contra a súa vontade no escándalo, crendo en cambio que fora el o autor daquela política. Some even sought to confer the Crown on the Protestant Duke of Monmouth, the eldest of Charles's illegitimate children. A histeria anticatólica estendeuse pola poboación: os xuíces e xurados de todo o país condenaron a supostos conspiradores, e numerosos inocentes foron executados. He would not exile past enemies nor confiscate their wealth. Carlos II retirou a Declaración e mostrouse de acordo co "Acta de Exame", que non só requiría dos funcionarios públicos que recibisen a Eucaristía na forma prescrita pola Igrexa de Inglaterra, senón que os forzaba a denunciar certos ensinos da Igrexa católica como supersticiosas e idólatras. O mesmo ano, Carlos apoiou abertamente á católica Francia e iniciou a Terceira Guerra Anglo-holandesa. O conflito comezou pola captura en Norteamérica, por parte dos ingleses, de Nova Ámsterdan (despois rebautizada co nome de Nova York, en honra do irmán de Carlos, James, duque de York, o futuro Xaime II de Inglaterra e VII de Escocia), pero en 1667 os holandeses lanzaron un ataque por sorpresa contra os ingleses na parte superior do río Támese, onde estaba amarrado o mellor da Royal Navy (Armada británica). Durante a década de 1640, sendo aínda neno o Príncipe de Gales, Carlos I combateu ás tropas do parlamento e do puritanismo na Guerra Civil Inglesa. The public blamed Catholic conspirators for the fire,[41] and one Frenchman, Robert Hubert, was hanged on the basis of a false confession even though he had no hand in starting the fire. [20] Monck and his army marched into the City of London, and forced the Rump Parliament to re-admit members of the Long Parliament who had been excluded in December 1648, during Pride's Purge. Dita suma era só indicativa do máximo que o rei estaba autorizado a retirar cada ano do Tesouro. At around the same time, Anne Hyde, the daughter of the Lord Chancellor, Edward Hyde, revealed that she was pregnant by Charles's brother, James, whom she had secretly married. Carlos II, nado o 29 de maio de 1629 e finado o 6 de febreiro de 1685, foi rei de Inglaterra, Escocia e Irlanda desde o 30 de xaneiro de 1649 (nominalmente) e desde o 29 de maio de 1660 (de feito) ata a súa morte. [52] Earlier in 1668 he leased the islands of Bombay to the company for a nominal sum of £10 paid in gold. Pouco despois, nomeóuselle Príncipe de Gales. Chegou a Londres o 29 de maio, a que se considera data oficial da Restauración, e que coincidía co trixésimo aniversario de Carlos. En 1672 Carlos asinou a Declaración de Indulxencia, na que manifestaba a súa intención de suspender todas as leis que penalizaban aos católicos e a outros disidentes relixiosos. Cromwell defeated Charles II at the Battle of Worcester on 3 September 1651, and Charles fled to mainland Europe. During Charles's reign all legal documents stating a, From the death of his father to his defeat at the, All dates in this article unless otherwise noted are given in the. Lord Clarendon pretendía desanimar o "non conformismo" (de sectores católicos e sobre todo protestantes non anglicanos) para coa Igrexa de Inglaterra. For doubts over his intention to convert before 1685 see, for example. [70], Thus through the last years of Charles's reign, his approach towards his opponents changed, and he was compared by Whigs to the contemporary Louis XIV of France, with his form of government in those years termed "slavery". In 1679, Titus Oates's revelations of a supposed Popish Plot sparked the Exclusion Crisis when it was revealed that Charles's brother and heir presumptive, James, Duke of York, was a Catholic. [62], Later in 1678, Danby was impeached by the House of Commons on the charge of high treason. Above all, Charles promised to rule in cooperation with Parliament. Durante o mesmo ano, con todo, vendeu Dunquerque, unha posición estratéxica moito máis valiosa, ao rei francés Luís XIV por 40.000 £. O parlamento de 1679 fora elixido nun momento no que prevalecían os sentimentos anticatólicos en todo o Reino e desde o principio opúxose con vehemencia á perspectiva dun monarca católico. An Act for the more effectuall preserving the Kings Person and Government by disableing Papists from sitting in either House of Parlyament", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Charles_II_of_England&oldid=991328395, British expatriates in the Dutch Republic, Converts to Roman Catholicism from Anglicanism, Short description is different from Wikidata, Wikipedia articles incorporating a citation from the 1911 Encyclopaedia Britannica with Wikisource reference, Wikipedia articles incorporating a citation from the ODNB, Wikipedia articles with BIBSYS identifiers, Wikipedia articles with CANTIC identifiers, Wikipedia articles with MusicBrainz identifiers, Wikipedia articles with RKDartists identifiers, Wikipedia articles with SELIBR identifiers, Wikipedia articles with SNAC-ID identifiers, Wikipedia articles with SUDOC identifiers, Wikipedia articles with Trove identifiers, Wikipedia articles with WORLDCATID identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Jane Roberts – the daughter of a clergyman, This page was last edited on 29 November 2020, at 13:56. Morreu o mércores 6 de febreiro de 1685, no palacio de Whitehall, aos 54 anos de idade, sendo sepultado na abadía de Westminster. En 1660, pouco logo da morte de Cromwell, restaurouse a monarquía baixo Carlos II. Charles II (29 May 1630 – 6 February 1685) [c] was King of England, Scotland, and Ireland.He was King of Scotland from 1649 until his deposition in 1651, and King of England, Scotland and Ireland from the 1660 Restoration of the monarchy until his death in 1685. Retrato de Carlos I en 1630, por Anthony van Dyck 27 de marzo de 1625-30 de enero de 1649 Predecesor Jacobo I de Inglaterra y Maria I de Inglaterra Sucesor Carlos II de Inglaterra 27 de marzo de 1625-30 de enero de 1649 Predecesor Jacobo I de Francia y Maria I de Francia Sucesor Carlos XI de Francia Coronación 2 de febrero de 1626 Otros títulos Duque de York, Duque de Normandia, … Charles was baptised in the Chapel Royal, on 27 June, by the Anglican Bishop of London, William Laud. La reina Isabel II ha pedido este jueves a los líderes de la Commonwealth, reunidos esta semana en Londres en su cumbre bianual, que elijan a su hijo, Carlos de Inglaterra, como su sucesor … Os celebrantes adoitaban adornarse con follas de carballo. A instancia súa, o Parlamento Arrogante aprobou diversas leis que pasaron a constituír o denominado "Código Clarendon". Negotiations with Portugal for Charles's marriage to Catherine of Braganza began during his father's reign and upon the restoration, Queen Luísa of Portugal, acting as regent, reopened negotiations with England that resulted in an alliance. [59] In 1678, Titus Oates, who had been alternately an Anglican and Jesuit priest, falsely warned of a "Popish Plot" to assassinate the king, even accusing the queen of complicity. [3] At birth, Charles automatically became Duke of Cornwall and Duke of Rothesay, along with several other associated titles. [36], In 1665, Charles was faced with a great health crisis: the Great Plague of London. In 1672, Charles issued the Royal Declaration of Indulgence, in which he purported to suspend all penal laws against Catholics and other religious dissenters. As Actas de Navegación (1650), prexudicaron o comercio de Holanda e foron causa da Segunda Guerra Holandesa (1665-1667). Dubbed the Cavalier Parliament, it was overwhelmingly Royalist and Anglican. Academic historians have concentrated mainly on his activities as a statesman and emphasised his duplicity, self-indulgence, poor judgement and lack of an aptitude for business or for stable and trustworthy government. [15] Charles could not obtain sufficient finance or support to mount a serious challenge to Cromwell's government. Traditional celebrations involved the wearing of oak leaves but these have now died out. Aínda que previamente fora favorable á Coroa, durante a década de 1670 o Parlamento Cabaleiro distanciouse dela polas guerras emprendidas polo rei e pola súa política relixiosa. The death toll reached a peak of 7,000 per week in the week of 17 September. A pesar dos esforzos do seu fillo por salvarlle, Carlos I foi executado en 1649, proclamándose a república en Inglaterra. Non-academic authors have concentrated mainly on his social and cultural world, emphasising his charm, affability, worldliness, tolerance, turning him into one of the most popular of all English monarchs in novels, plays and films.[87]. [16], Charles made the Treaty of Brussels with Spain in 1656. Lord Danby foi forzado a dimitir do seu posto de Lord Tesoureiro, pero recibiu o perdón real. In exchange, Charles agreed to supply Louis with troops and to announce his conversion to Catholicism "as soon as the welfare of his kingdom will permit". James was eventually dethroned in 1688, in the course of the Glorious Revolution. [24] In Ireland, a convention had been called earlier in the year, and had already declared for Charles. A political crisis that followed the death of Cromwell in 1658 resulted in the restoration of the monarchy, and Charles was invited to return to Britain. In: Harris, T., & Taylor, S. Many of them were prosecuted and their estates seized, with Charles replacing judges and sheriffs at will and packing juries to achieve conviction. In fact, the Cabal rarely acted in concert, and the court was often divided between two factions led by Arlington and Buckingham, with Arlington the more successful. Durante a década de 1680, con todo, o apoio popular á Lei de Exclusión comezou a declinar e Carlos asistiu a unha onda de lealdade cara a el por todo o país, xa que moitos dos seus súbditos comezaban a pensar que o parlamento fora demasiado porfiado e ofensivo. Louis made peace with the Triple Alliance, but he continued to maintain his aggressive intentions towards the Netherlands. Charles sided with the Tories, and, following the discovery of the Rye House Plot to murder Charles and James in 1683, some Whig leaders were executed or forced into exile. Hutton says Charles was a popular king in his own day and a "legendary figure" in British history. [43], The same year, in an unpopular move, Charles sold Dunkirk to his first cousin King Louis XIV of France for about £375,000. News of the failed plot was leaked. Carlos non deu fe ás súas alegacións, pero ordenou o seu Primeiro Ministro, Thomas Osborne, Primeiro Conde de Danby, que investigase. [84] Diana, Princess of Wales, was descended from two of Charles's illegitimate sons: the Dukes of Grafton and Richmond. Cromwell became virtual dictator of England, Scotland and Ireland. Their first son was born about a year before Charles, but died within a day. [38] Plague cases ebbed over the winter, and Charles returned to London in February 1666. Foi durante o seu reinado cando se desenvolveron os partidos Whig (liberal) e Tory (conservador). A Cromwell sucedeulle o seu fillo, Richard Cromwell, como Lord Protector, pero se trataba dun home sen dotes para o mando nin desexo de exercelo e abdicou en 1659. A última edición desta páxina foi o 7 de xuño de 2020 ás 14:48. Fanned by a strong easterly wind and fed by stockpiles of wood and fuel that had been prepared for the coming colder months, the fire eventually consumed about 13,200 houses and 87 churches, including St Paul's Cathedral. Á súa chegada a Escocia, o 23 de xuño de 1650, Carlos subscribiu formalmente o pacto. [65], Fearing that the Exclusion Bill would be passed, and bolstered by some acquittals in the continuing Plot trials, which seemed to him to indicate a more favourable public mood towards Catholicism, Charles dissolved the English Parliament, for a second time that year, in mid-1679. [30], The Convention Parliament was dissolved in December 1660, and, shortly after the coronation, the second English Parliament of the reign assembled. Charles, a patron of the arts and sciences, founded the Royal Observatory and supported the Royal Society, a scientific group whose early members included Robert Hooke, Robert Boyle and Sir Isaac Newton. After Charles I's execution at Whitehall on 30 January 1649, at the climax of the English Civil War, the Parliament of Scotland proclaimed Charles II king on 5 February 1649. The escapades of Charles after his defeat at the Battle of Worcester remained important to him throughout his life. En 1678 Titus Oates, un antigo clérigo anglicano, denunciou falsamente unha "conxura papista" para asasinar ao rei e substituílo co duque de York. A algúns políticos protestantes como Algernon Sydney e Lord William Russell implicóuselles na trama e foron executados por alta traizón, por máis que as probas fosen moi febles. Recoñeceu publicamente a 14 destes fillos naturais: - Con Margarita de Carteret (n. 1626? Disillusioned by the Covenanters, in October Charles attempted to escape from them and rode north to join with an Engager force, an event which became known as "the Start", but within two days the Presbyterians had caught up with and recovered him. Montrose feared that Charles would accept a compromise, and so chose to invade mainland Scotland anyway. Fíxose soado polos seus numerosos fillos ilexítimos, dos que recoñeceu a catorce. With many of the Scots (including Lord Argyll and other leading Covenanters) refusing to participate, and with few English royalists joining the force as it moved south into England, the invasion ended in defeat at the Battle of Worcester on 3 September 1651, after which Charles eluded capture by hiding in the Royal Oak at Boscobel House. One thousand pounds was a vast sum at the time, greater than an average workman's lifetime earnings. Resultou elixida unha Cámara dos Comúns con claro predominio da facción realista. Charles's wife Queen Catherine was unable to produce an heir; her four pregnancies had ended in miscarriages and stillbirths in 1662, February 1666, May 1668 and June 1669. Although Charles and Parliament granted amnesty to nearly all of Cromwell's supporters in the Act of Indemnity and Oblivion, 50 people were specifically excluded. Carlos II.Monarca británico rey de Inglaterra, Escocia e Irlanda desde el 29 de mayo de 1660 hasta su muerte. Durante o período de inestabilidade civil e militar que seguiu, George Monck, gobernador de Escocia, preocupado polo perigo de anarquía que corroía á nación, determinou restaurar a monarquía. The anniversary of the Restoration (which was also Charles's birthday)—29 May—was recognised in England until the mid-nineteenth century as Oak Apple Day, after the Royal Oak in which Charles hid during his escape from the forces of Oliver Cromwell.

carlos ii de inglaterra sucesor

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