Primary taxing rights will be in the country in which you undertake your duties. We have two offices, one located in Córdoba (Spain) and the other in London (UK). I am a British citizen living in the Canary Islands and I have recently been offered a job working remotely for a company based in the UK. I'm not sure if this is the right place to post my question, but I'll give it a go! But if you are working as an employee for a UK company (or indeed UK … The long-term outlook because of Brexit is a little bit more vague. Hi there. Rosie | 0 Posts 23 Mar, 2018 15:23. Possibly both. There is free movement of labour within the EU at the moment. I’ve been working at Audiense for 2 years; 100% remote work within a team, at present, of 15 Devs and 3 SysAdmins. You can be based in Spain and work for a UK Company – Brexit permitting. Working in UK, but resident in Spain, spending 6 months in UK and 6 months in Spain. I currently contract in the UK using my own LTD company. So, it is likely that a UK payroll will be operated and you will have UK taxes deducted. My situation - currently working for a UK company and I have asked to work remotely (at home) in Spain. Member´s employer in the UK taxes her, she wonders whether that is corrrect and what about NI contributions. Hello, I'm really hoping somebody can help me with this - I've spent a lot of time researching but can't find a definitive answer anywhere! Working remotely... overseas. The company employs about 50 people working from Barcelona, Madrid, Córdoba, Granada, Seville, Uppsala in Sweden and London. Member confirms that has dependent family in Spain, a 20 yr old son at college. Where do I pay tax? Working remotely for UK company while living in Spain: HELP! What’s my work routine I will continue to have accommodation available to me in the UK for the entire year (either renting or owning a property) I will be in the UK for at least 90 days per year but less than 183 days. As per the title; I have been offered a contract working for a German company through a German agency working remotely from my home office with occasional on … I’m planning to continue working for the UK company but split my time between the UK and either Italy, Spain or France and work remotely from there. I have a few questions on remote working (both in the UK and Overseas) and would appreciate understanding how other employers approach this. Case presented to tax advisor Philip Carroll. Hi, I am an engineering contractor, British citizen and based in the UK.
2020 working remotely in spain for uk company